…Introducing The Tennis Wall Banger…


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..What is The Tennis Wall Banger..


The Tennis Wall Banger works like a backboard. You can hit the ball as hard as you want… the surface absorbs the pace and sends the ball back at a much slower pace for you to begin your shots over again.. Repetition is the key to great tennis shots.. The pros practice for hours and hours.. this is why the Tennis Wall Banger will make you hit like a pro..for you can practice for as long as you want by yourself, in your basement or outdoors..

For Indoor use in the Winter you can Practice in Your Basement…We recommend that the Minimum Space For Best Results is.. 10 Ft.Wide X 13 Ft.Long

With the Tennis Wall Banger you have more control over your shots. Continue to hit the ball for as long as you want.. varying your shots by practicing your backhand, slice backhand, forehand etc…  this enables you to get a feel for the ball..and improves your hand eye co-ordination.

The Tennis Wall Banger is also good for an aerobic workout as you are constantly moving to get in the best position to hit the ball… it also strengthens your  upper body…as every tennis player knows, a strong upper body helps to prevents injury.

You can experiment with different types of balls..  for instance you can use a Tennis Ball or a Racquet Ball…Some balls give you a higher bounce… Racquet Balls are smaller than Tennis Balls and do give a higher bounce..Use whatever suits you.. If you are now starting to play tennis then the Racquet Ball may be your best bet as it is smaller and lighter.. but  in the end it is your choice.


Watch Video of Tennis Wall Banger






…Step-By-Step Guide…


 …36 Pages of Photos…


  …Complete Detailed Instructions…


…The Process Has Never Been Simpler…


Tennis Wall Banger is made of ABS plastic pipe…

We designed this product to be easy to assemble..all you need is a saw to cut the ABS pipe, a Drill, Cement to glue the pieces together and you are ready to go..

It can also be made in Knock Down form .. makes it easy to transport …

We provide detailed plans with photos explaining every aspect of the construction.


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Only $19.95






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